SHOP ALL COLLECTIONS - Items tagged as "Doily"

View all "Tribute To Rescue Workers" 12 oz 14oz 1945 1950s 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz 1960s 1970s 1975 1978 1980s 1987 1988 1990 1990s 1991 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2008 2010 2015 2022 20th Century 3500-Detailer 4 head 4TH of July 7x40 8 in 91339 925 Silver A&W Abraham Palatnik ACB Accessories acrylic advertising African Mask African-American Santa Ainsley all ages All American Food AM/FM amber color American American Homestead Holiday Series Americana Amish Andean Style Andrea by Sadek Angel Angel of Love Anheuser Busch Brew House Anheuzer-Busch animals animated Animated Dog animated plush Annalee antique Apple Apple Annie Apsara aqua Arcopal Arnels Art art and craft art deco art supplies articulated artist figure Artwork ashtray athletics Audio System Audio-Video Control Center Receiver Autumn Avon Babies Baby baby Jesus Bag Bag-Manual baking pan bark Feature Bark-Ice Design barware Baseball Baseball Mitt Basket Basketville Basketville Putney Vermont Batter Up! It's Time To Play Ball Series battery-operated Bavaria Bean Bag Plushies Beanie Babies Beanie Baby BEAR Bedspreads Bee beer mug Beer Stein-Mug Beer Vintage Stein beige bell Beryl and George Biography Bird Birds bisque ceramic black Black Ceramic blanket Blocks Game Blown glass Blown Mold blue Blue Sky Bohemian Bolero Bone-China book Bookends Bose Bose Wave Boston Sport Bottle Bowl box Bradford Exchange Brass brass color Brim bronze bronze patina bronze-tone Brooch brown brown-coppering Brunton Bucket bucket bag Bud Antique Label Stein Budweiser Budweiser Salutes Bulldog Burgundy burnished ceramic Busch Bust butterdish Butterflies Butterprint Cabbage Patch Cambodian Dancer Camel Camera Candelabra candle holder Candles candlestick Candlestick telephone Candolier Candolier 5 Lights CandyDish canvas cape cod Capital carafe cardboard Caroler Carousel carved Cassette Recorder Cast Foundry Casting Metal Art cat Cats and Fish CD Player Center Piece Ceramic Ceramic Christmas Decor ceramic tree Ceramic-Art charming tails Chasing the Checkered Flag Series Childhood Dreams Chinese Chinoiserie christmas Christmas Carnival Collection Christmas Decor Christmas Tree Christopher Radko Church Claendar Classic art Classic Car Series Classica clay clear Clear Glass Clock/Alarm Cloisonne Clothique Clydesdale Stables coaster set cobalt blue coca-cola Coca-Cola Memorabilia coffee cup Coffee Grinder coffeepot coin bank Collectibles Collector Series college Colonial Colonial Photography Camera Compote Bowl Condiment & Topping Set Cookie Jar cookware Cordial Corn Corner Elf cotton Country Country Bear Jamboree Cowboy cozy CPK Cracker Jack craft Crafted creamer creche crochet crow crystal Crystal Cut To Clear cups Dahl Jensen Dakin Dan Dee Dancing dark gray dark purple Decanter decoration Decoupage Deer Delft Delft Blue Demosthenes Department 56 Devil Dia de los Muertos Diana Diana Victorious Dinningware Discovery America Series dish Disney Disney Store Disneyana DJ 1293 dog Dogwood Pottery Doily doll doll decor Dragonflies drawing pose Drawing Table accessory drawing tool Drawstring closure drinkware Duck Handles Duffel Carry On Dulevo dvd Eagle Earth Easter Easter Decor Ecru Tone Eiffel Tower Electronics Eleganza elf Enamel Enesco engaging game. creative game Engraved Eve Claus events Excellent Condition Extravaganza F-38mm F-6 50mm Lens F-70mm F. Barbedienne Fondeur fabric Fabriche fairy Fall Fall Season Fancy Bottle farm house Farm-house FC1929 Feathers Federal Milky Glass fenton Fiber optic figurine Fine China Fine Porcelain Flora floral Floral arrangement Florentia Florida Flute Glass Set Flying Ace-Snoopy Focus 18" Folk Folk decor Football Framed France Franconia Franklin Mint Fred XYZ Freedom Phone frog Fruit Bowl Fruit Decor Fuji Japan Functional-porcelain game Games of the XXIVth Olympiad Seoul Garden Decor Gemmy Gems George F. Cram Germany ghost Gianni Benvenuti Giavoli Pesaro gift Gilt Gingerbread Gingko Leaf Girl Carrying Two Baskets glass Glass Ornament glasses glazed glitter Glitter White-Silver Canvas Sneakers globe glossy Gnome Goebel golden brown golden-tone goldplated good condition Goose Gorham Gothic gravy bowl gray Greek orator green Greetings Cards grinch H. Karshi Hagen-Renaker Hallmark Hallmark Cards halloween halloween tree hamsa Hand-carved handcrafted Handmade Handpainted hands Happy Face hardcover Hawthorne Head Hershey's Hershey's Special Dark history HMK Hobo HOKA holiday Holiday Creations Holiday Decor Holiday In The Mountains Series Holiday Time Holy Family Scene Home Collections Home decor Hometown Holiday Series Hooky House wares I have A Dream Ice-cream Bowls Ice-cream Cups Iggy the Iguana imaginative game Imari In Box Interrogations: The Nazi Elite in Allied Hands Ipod Dock IQZoom-EZY iridescent iSymphony Italian Italy Ivv Selezione Jack-lantern Jamar Mallory Studios Japan Japanese jar Jardinière Jensen Jensen Cassette Recorder Jersey City Jerusalem Jewelry Jim Shore Johann Haviland Joseph Studio Judaica Julep Cups Set Kate Spade Kate Spade New York Keds Keepsake Kinetic King of Beer Series Kisses kitchen kitchen-ware kittens knick-knacks Knock On Wood Krautheim Kurt Adler L35AF lacquer Lambeth Stoneware lamp Landmark Landmarks Lantern Large Le Fauve Mold Ceramic Leather Leather Vanguard Carry-Bag LED lefton letters to Santa Liberty Blue Lice-up Lid lighted Lighthouse Lighting The Way Home Series Lilo & Stitch Limited Edition Limoges Linen Liqueur Glasses Lomonosov Louie & Frank Stein lovely Lovely Granny Figurine Lucite Lunch Box M&M Macroscope Made in Brazil Made in England Made in France Made in Germany Made in Holland Made in India Made in Italy Made in Japan< Made in Mexico Made in Romania Made in Russia Made in Singapore Made in Spain Made in Switzerland Made in Taiwan Made in USA Mailbox majolica manger mannequin print Mantra Marble Marquis Maru Mascot Mask McCoy McDonald's MCM Mechanical Drafting Machine Mediterranean medium melted plastic popcorn Members Mark memorabilia memorabillia Metal metal art Mexico MF-2X Mice Mice Figurines Midwinter Mikasa milk cups Milky Glass millennium mini-nativity Miniatures mirror miscellaneous Mocca Express Model STR-DE 135 Modern Mid Century Monet moose Morocco mother-pearl tone Mouse Mr. Mr. Christmas Mrs. Mrs. Claus mug Mug Set Mullet multicolor murano murano-style Music Music Box Music System Music-Player musical box Muster-Ketchup bottle Set Nachtmann Bleikristall Nana's Family Nantucket Nathalie Handal National Historical Landmark nativity Nature Navidad Necklace Needle-Lace nike Nikon Nikon Camera Nina NJ Nostalgia November nurse nutcracker O'well Off-white old lady Old School House Old Time Olympics orange color Orb oreo Ornament ORNAMENTS Ornate Our Own Import outdoors oval bowl Pal Art PAN-AM Panasonic paper paperback Papier Mache Paris party linen Patchwork Patriotic Scene Paul Pedestal Pelican Pentax Perfect Petzzz Perfume Bottle phone Photo-camera Picnic Pillow pillowcases Pin pink Pinta Pitcher Pixar Planter plaster plastic plate Plates platter Plush poet game Poetry Poinsettias Polar Bear Polyester Porcelain Possible Dreams Pot Pot Lid pottery pottery studio piece Pre-Columbian Style Pre-owned Precious Moments primitive Princess House printed canvas pumpkin Purse Putney PVC Pyrex quilt quilt set radio Radio AM/FM Rare Rauch RCA red red clay Reese's Remake Remote Control replacement piece Resin reyes magos Richard Simmons Roly-Poly Family Roman Roman Mythology Ronnie’s Ceramic Company Roseville Dogwood Ross Simons round Royal Copenhagen Royal Doulton Royal Grafton Royal Sealy China Rug Rustic salt and pepper shakers Salt Bowl salt dish San Francisco Santa Claus Santa Clock Maker Santa Maria Santa’s Workshop Fun House Christmas sawing box Scale Arm Scarecrow Scoop SCULPTURE SD Card Seasonal Decor Selb Serial No. C0016657 Serving Tagine Set 2 Shaking Hands shoes silver silver plated silver-overlay Silver-tone Silverplated Julep Cups Simpsons Family Switching Heads on Couch Singing Bowl Size 11 Size 8 Size 9.5 Slavic Pottery Sled sleeping cat small small electronics Sneakers Snow White Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Snowbabies snowbunnies snowman Snowman family Snowman-Set soap dish Soft Plush-Toy Sony soul connector Sounds Southwest Bell Souvenir Souvenir Mug Spanish Dancers Special Delivery Holiday Series special occasion spiritual Splash spode Sport Shoes spring Springtime Stories Spritz Sta Rosa Pedreira Porcelain Staffordshire Stainless Steel star wars starbucks stein Stemware Stitch Stonehenge Stones stoneware Strawberry Strawberry Design stuffed-animal Stuffed-Doll Style Burano sugar bowl Summer Bloom swirl Table Serveware Table-runner Tablecloth Talavera Tampa Tampa Bay Hotel Tankard Tapestry Taylor and Ng tea tea cup teal blue Team Beans Teapot Teapot set telephone Telescope Terra Terracotta The Drummer Boy The Drummer Little Boy the end The Nightmare Before Christmas The Old Pottery Company The Poetry of Arab Woman A Contemporary Anthology The San Francisco Musical Box Company The Sunshine State The Swinging Sticks The Timeless Taste of Coca-Cola Theatric Thomas Kinkade throw blanket Throw-Pillow-Covers Tibetan Tiffany-style Accent Light tiki Tim Burton tin tin can Ting Tinsel TMS Tomorrow's Treasures Top-ware Toshiba Tragedy Comedy Training tray Tree tree house Trinket Box turkey thanksgiving turned wood TY Tygacil typewriter Umass umbrella Uncle Sam University of Massachusetts University of Tampa US Historic Scene USB Used used books UT Utilities Specialties Val St. Lambert vase VCR VEMCO Venetian Vermont VHS VHS/DVD Combo Victorian decor video player Video Recorder village vinegar dispenser vintage Vintage Christmas vintage looking Vitruvian Collection W2c Wagner-ware Wall Decor Wall-E-E.V.E. Walrus Walt Disney Walt Disney Japan Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Mug Cup Walt-Disney Waterford waxy finish wedding Wedgwood Western white White-House White-Red-Blue Wide-Angle Wild Oats William Sonoma Wine wine glasses winter wiseman witch wood Woodland Wagon wool World Globe world war II woven design Wreath WWII Wyeth Pharma Drug Promo-Advertising Yale Yale University yellow Yixing Clay Zisha You are my Sunshine Zenith Zenith Solid State